Aug 16Liked by Alec McNayr

The videos on this were so good. I’ve officially become this emoji: 😳. I’m ready for it- as a newish mom I am enraged at all the bad drivers (like the guy i saw with a 13” KINDLE strapped to his steering wheel on 1-70. like what the actual helllllllooooo

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How else is he going to read the new Gary Vee book?????? #crushit #riseandgrind #alwaysbeclosing #workinghardorhardlyworking #helpme

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Glad you made it through unscathed, my friend.

Ever watch Upload on Amazon Prime? You may not ever get into one of those death traps again! 😂

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I HAVE watched it. And yet, I am ALL IN on this. Felt so much more safe than many other drivers I've had.

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A competent system approaching perfection that can be intentionally hacked and sabotaged vs. a very imperfect one full of distracted, incompetent players. Is there a third option? ;)

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Yeah this comes down to a core belief about who you trust (and who you distrust) more… here’s the list of players:

- the general driving population of humanity

- the creators of an autonomous system (including the the capitalistic system that motivates them!)

- the people (or groups) that seek to sabotage

- the people (or groups) who prevent that sabotage

Call me Pollyanna but I distrust the vast number of imperfect drivers (who get tired, distracted or drunk) that result in 40k deaths every year, vs the (yes, real but relatively few) number of powers who have the desire AND ability to hack such s system.

Then again, call me in a year. I might change my mind and only ride bikes.

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Ooh biking- I'm all about that! 😜

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Now that Charlee is a driver this Waymo thing seems way more exciting--lol!

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I’m no mathematician but Waymo has gotta be 10,0000,000% safer than a 16yo

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I'm ready. People are terrible drivers on the whole.

Especially commercial driving. I thought trucking convoy technology (now 14 years old) would be farther along.

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Agree- at least seriously augmented or assisted for long haulers.

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I've yet to ride in a driverless taxi, but see them ALL OVER when I'm in San Francisco.

A conversation I've had with friends over the past few years is, when will kids in general, and the suburban kids in my general area just not bother with a drivers license because it's irrelevant? In what year (if not already), will the majority of American children born not go on to get drivers licenses?

I'm guessing it's not yet, but in the next 10-15 years. People 25-30 years from now won't drive.

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This is it - I’ve already talked with parents who say they will put their kids in this, after holding back on Uber.

I already don’t own a second car, and instead rely on Ubers for the 2-3 times a month we need the extra car. Way cheaper. And even more practical with a less expensive and safer(?) Waymo.

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