Zoom Power Moves
Which of these have you witnessed? (and more importantly, which have you been guilty of?)
A break from the *serious* posts to something we’ve all experienced, especially during the pandemic… hope you enjoy (and/or cringe)
Zoom power moves, in escalating order, from least power (Wimpy Kid) to most (Machiavellian Bond villain)
1. show up on time, ready to participate
2. always on mute
3. show up late (you're a participant)
4. show up late (you set up the meeting)
5. no eye contact / constantly looking at another screen
6. go on mute to take a phone call during the meeting (bonus points if it's a call about the non-profit you advise on the side)
7. phone into the meeting (when it has clearly been set up as video)
8. phone into the (video) meeting, and by your heavy breathing, let everyone know that you've considered this a walking meeting
9. eat a snack during the call
10. eat a full meal
11. eat a full meal with chopsticks
12. eat a full meal with chopsticks, that your assistant delivers to you, nine minutes into the meeting
13. do any of the above, while having called in from your Lake Como villa
14. tell everyone how many "back-to-back Zooms" you've been on today (bonus points if you started before the sun rose)
🤣 Did I miss any?
Which of these have you witnessed (or been guilty of!)?
Thanks for reading and thanks for your support!
Call in while driving. Don't mute. Make 10-14 people enjoy the sounds of traffic so they can give you a status update.
Witnessed: The use of nail clippers to convert a chopstick into a toothpick and get after that piece of tuna stuck between the lateral and central incisors.